Monthly Archives: March 2015

LYCOS – Distinct, not Distant


Let me think of myself as a brand. Well, I want to be remembered. Remember me for? What defines me? If I have it in me, I got to do something that defines me. Invent something, develop a unique skill, get noticed for something — it creates a talking point. Guess so? 

Great brands fight the vagaries of time and stay ahead by reinventing and adapting to the ever changing needs of the consumers at large. Reviving an old brand often beats spending months and millions on creating a new one, with a lower risk of failure. If something has worked before there is a good chance that it will work again.

Less flower, more power worked!

The simplest version of this strategy is for a company to revive all of its products or choose one of its own brands. Remember the textbook case of Volkswagen’s revival of the Beetle in the 1990s. Volkswagen played on nostalgia for the 1960s, when the Beetle became the semi-official vehicle of the hippie movement, while reassuring purchasers that it was thoroughly modern: “less flower, more power”. A second version is for a healthy firm to take over an ailing rival’s brands and breathe new life into them. BMW acquired Mini when it bought Rover in 1994, retooled the car to German standards, and made it a huge success.

Well, it’s no different online. LYCOS, the very brand of the Internet, one of the original and the most widely known Internet brands in the world, has evolved from one of the first search engines on the web, into a comprehensive digital media destination for consumers across the world. Lycos has been a pioneer in intelligent spidering search technology, combining its proprietary technology with other best in class services to provide a simple yet a powerful internet experience to its users and clients.

Today, brand LYCOS is a legacy that has embraced the very need of the present day youth in offering cool products for entertainment and networking. Name it, from chat, games, news, email and more. In the hands of the successful team that metamorphosed from a back-end company to being the front-end digital power-house Ybrant Digital (now LYCOS), the hay days of LYCOS have taken a new beginning!


In the land of the Internet, LYCOS is the first man to last long and stand tall as so depictive of its present logo. A brand that enables excitement and emotionally binds you by simplifying your life in many ways than one.

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Posted by on March 31, 2015 in Uncategorized



Exciting LYCOS, Enthusing Turnaround!

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Posted by on March 4, 2015 in Uncategorized